Vl A – tapered land servo. Blocked center- nominal zero lap. If you have a spool that needs positive or negative, it can be ordered that way. When it slows up a cylinder on a spool when it comes upon the center, means it will help with lowering the shock and instability. Only use is for sensing devices that will place spool using electric or mechanical applications.
Vll – selector – 2 way N.O. normally open 2 way normally closed N.C. 2 way selector Make sure it is marked that way on the ports. 4 port bodies. Hydraulic use. Cycle in cycle. Vlll – open center – 3 way All ports go to tank. It will work on neg. lap servo operations. hydraulic use. Cycle incycle

Type 2 – Closed center 3 ways. has an extended land spool. All ports whether blocked or inaccessible to center position. Works on conventional places and hold circuits. Air & hydraulic uses. Want go for long if used on air.
Type 2 A – Closed center 3 ways. has an extended land spool. All ports whether blocked or inaccessible to center position. Works on conventional places and hold circuits. Tapered lands will give a more straight lined flow and will give a better speed control. Air & hydraulic uses. Want go for long if used on air. Type lV – Pressure to tank 3 way. Cylinder ports are closed off. Pressure – tank. Can’t use in series circuit. Hydraulic use. Flow chart on the right displays psi. needed to make the gpm. thru center way on 1/8″ thru 1/2: valves.
Call us with any questions you have about this unit. 662-871-8403