The diagrams at the bottom of the page is for the stop tube so it want close up on the rod and want have so much bearing down on the rod load. On the push stroke on A,B,C,D don’t let it jack knife on itself. If the L goes over 50″, go to a whole inch of stop tube for each 10″ of length that goes over 50″. You will have to add the stop tube length when you try to figure out the final value of L when you put it together. When you have an even mounted cylinder that has a piston rod that is not supported and has no extra weight on it, use an extra inch of stop tube for every 10″ of length if over 50″. It want let the rod bearing that is being overloaded when it is stretched out to capacity. Bearing loads shouldn’t be go over 200 psi for a long while and not go over 350 psi at no time. On center trunnion cylinder it is best when the rod bearing load is about even (X1) to about 1/2 the length before the cylinder length just begins to fall apart. .

Call Us at 662-871-8403 for more details on this type of cylinder